Recently I had a most heartwarming experience that continues to give me happy chills and thought I’d share.
I frequently receive “spirit nudges” to do or say something unexpected in any moment in my day, either with family, friends, coaching partners, or just for myself. It’s hard to put into words exactly what happens. It’s like a whiff of perfume lifts my nose or a slight breeze grazes my forehead…but on the inside! It’s how both Space of Allowing and Writing Toward Peace were born, and I trust it whenever it graces my awareness.
A couple weeks ago, it did just that.
I recently became reacquainted with a former tenth grade student of mine from 20 years ago, Westley Morris. As a student, Wes truly had the world on his shoulders and pain in his heart. After graduation, his path took dire turns where trauma and suffering became his daily companions. Nonetheless, Wes endured and recovered. Guided by his own spirit nudges, he conquered his past and wrote a new life chapter as a motivational speaker and coach.
After celebrating his inspirational story on social media, I received a surprise invitation from Wes to attend one of his talks. It was a huge gift to my heart to see him thriving and inspiring others with his raw candor and unfailing determination. That in itself was a triumph!
But back to my spirit nudges. The day I was to visit Wes for his presentation, I had one such nudge: bring Wes a journal. Better yet, bring journals for his family, too. I had seen on social media that he was now married and had teen girls. So, dutifully following the nudge, I packed up some journals and pens and gifted them as we parted ways that day. Didn’t give it another thought. I simply blessed and released, trusting I had followed my divine guidance. And then, guess what?
The gift was multiplied! Not only had Wes given one of his girls, Nya, a journal, but also he created a Space of Allowing to help her envision her future, using the journal as a dreaming tool. Please take a moment to read his post for yourself below and see if it doesn’t warm your heart, too!
That’s what it’s all about, this Space of Allowing. It’s a gift, a nudge, both inside ourselves and between us: something we can cherish and offer with care and loving intention. From my heart to yours, Nancy ***** Companion post in Wes’ words, used with his permission: “My Heart is Bursting. Last night was a very special evening. Nya was introduced to the planning process of her life. We had our very first vision session together. I’ve had countless friends and clients sit in that exact chair, participating in this same process, and I’ve watched them bring their desires to life. But seeing her step into that space? It was something else entirely… …My heart was exploding with joy, watching her tap into her imagination, using it to shape the life she envisions for herself. Huge thank you to Nancy Coco Waldron for donating these beautiful journals to my family. Last night I created a space of allowing in my office.” |