Hi, I’m Nancy.

I write, and I help people get to know themselves better through writing.

You see, writing is a portal into ourselves.

“How do I know what I think til I see what I say?" E.M. Forster

I used to write this quote on the chalkboard at the beginning of each school year. And a roomful of eighth graders and I would be off, in small, tentative ways, on the path to ourselves. Each writing contributing to our own self-discovery, our Beingness on the page.

And though I retired from that classroom many years ago, writing has never left my side.

Often, I write about my whiteness. More pointedly, the privilege I didn’t earn but that accompanies my whiteness. It's not solely the privilege, but also the feelings about that privilege that cloud my pure being, my state of peace. Writing is the metabolizer that keeps those feelings moving through me and helps me apply them (and my privilege) in meaningful ways. Most recently, I've been stirred to share this process more widely in the world.

The result? Writing Toward Peace

Join me, won’t you?


Writing Toward Peace is an online Space of Allowing where you are invited to join me in writing whatever is between you and peace. We’ll ground into presence, use our felt sense to see what sensations are present, identify any feelings that are accompanying ourselves, and follow those feelings on the page where we’ll get to know them in new ways, learn their wisdom, and befriend them as a part of ourselves that we may have previously resisted.

It’s about clearing our inner world so we may bring more peace to our outer world.


Everyone, everywhere, all at once. No experience necessary.


Look for monthly Writing Toward Peace events listed on the calendar. Want to host a Writing Toward Peace event of your own? Contact Nancy at Nancy@SpaceofAllowing.comto chat about options and customization for your community.


Every Writing Toward Peace event is free. Stay as long as you'd like; return at other hours if you wish.


Email Nancy@SpaceofAllowing.com for the Zoom link to join.

Choose some comfortable writing utensils, pens, paper, etc. Bring a snack, beverage, blanket, whatever aids comfort. Select a quiet spot as free from distraction as possible.

Take a look at the Writing Toward Peace Guide to acquaint yourself with the context, resources, and intention.

Consider setting your own personal intention for joining and writing toward peace.

Click the Zoom link to join at the top or bottom of any hour. Please plan to stay for at least 30 minutes and as long as it serves you. You may even stay and write a while, leave, and then return for more writing, more peace.

We'll cross the writing threshold together, ground ourselves, and write into whatever feeling arises.

Join me in a Space of Allowing and we’ll take the next near step toward peace…together.


Number of Events Writing Toward Peace


Number of People Writing Toward Peace


Number of Minutes Writing Toward Peace