Coaching Special for the New Year!
I love meeting new people, exploring new viewpoints. Every coaching conversation is a chance to learn deeply about the human experience, the feelings we share, and the uniqueness of each life story. What’s more: I take each conversation as an adventure, open to whatever wants to come forth. There is no “right” or “wrong” way it can go.When we allow every moment to be as it is without judgement, we come to presence and release the tension of regret, anxiety, guilt, and other energies that rob us of peace. Allow yourself to welcome whatever comes forth: gratitude or grief, forgiveness or fear, acceptance or anger. It is all welcome to be seen, honored, and given its place in the story of our lives.
Ask yourself…
What do I want?
What’s important about that?
What am I excited about?
What am I overlooking?
What is my heart telling me?
I’m calling it a COZY COACHING SPECIAL because I’m inviting you to lean into rest and listen to your life in a quiet, safe space. It’s three one-hour sessions. Can you allow that in this season?
What to Expect
Settle in your virtual coaching space with Nancy, notice what’s present, allow feelings and needs to be honored, and set intentions for the season.Three one-hour individual coaching sessions to be scheduled during the months of January, February, and March 2024 at a mutually-convenient time.
This coaching three-session special is ordinarily $360, but now just $250. This offer good through March 2024.