Welcome to spring at Space of Allowing

The robins are back in the yard and temperatures veer from 30 to 70 degrees…that must mean spring is here!

If you’re stirring like the earth in this season, join me for a bit of refreshment and light at one of the following offerings this spring.

Details below…



Grab your journal and comfortable pen and join us just as you are. Accompany yourself with curiosity through the gift of gentle, brief writing invitations. Wander a while, see what’s there in the present moment. Pick a special writing spot – your very own Space of Allowing – and write for yourself. No pressure to share, only to be there in the moment. In community, in discovery, in peace.

Free Gentle Journal Invitations* on the first Wednesday of every month at 7 pm ET.

Email Nancy@SpaceofAllowing.com to register.



Coaching offers you an ally for being with yourself at life’s crossroads. Family struggles? Work transitions? Stuck moments? All are spaces where having a dedicated, thoughtful companion can help you cultivate awareness, alignment, and action that feels just right for you. Schedule a complimentary coaching discovery session to feel the power of awareness in your own life.

Click here to schedule your complimentary discovery session this month.