September 9, 2022

Breathing out Poetry

Days Gone By Sunflowers flick their golden heads beckoning me Come play in the sun, But notebooks purchased, college and plain-ruled, full of empty promises flutter their pages and flirt […]
August 31, 2022

Changes in Latitudes

Changes in latitudes, Changes in attitudes ~Jimmy Buffett Last weekend, for the first time in about a dozen years, I stuck my toes in the sand. It was Kevin’s birthday, […]
May 20, 2022

I opened two gifts this morning

My vision is changing. I haven’t been to the doctor, but I heard from my eyes this week. Their squints and blurry images told me to stop trying to see […]
February 3, 2022

Winter Musings…and a nice bowl of soup

Wintering Winter's arrived here in the northeast US, and we're bundling up and eating soup, lots of soup. I've been making pots of chicken soup weekly for us at home, as well as for friends and neighbors who are under the weather. Isn't that a curious expression, "under the weather"?
November 1, 2021
2 women on a couch talking

What is coaching, anyway?

When our lives don’t feel like they fit anymore, that’s a natural opening for something that wants to be shed or to be born. Oftentimes, one part of us is […]
September 8, 2021

Welcome to the Guest House

This being human is a guest house,Every morning a new arrival.A joy, a depression, a meanness,some momentary awareness comesas an unexpected visitor.Welcome and entertain them all!fromThe Guest Houseby Jalaluddin Rumi […]